21.03.2007 Wersja do druku

"The Women:" Just one life to live

Apparent chaos on the stage seems to actually be a representation of the mental state of the heroes of the play: shattered, disintegrated, dualistic and inconsistent - all of these dominate in the process of their lives as seen in "The Women," directed by Monika Pęcikiewicz at the Polski Theater in Wrocław.

The adaptation of Chekov's "Three Sisters" by Monika Pęcikiewicz is a play that presents a vision of lack of fulfillment, lack of love and waiting in vain. It is sad but true. The sisters are played by actresses from the Polski Theater in Wrocław: Kinga Preis (Irina), Halina Rasiakówna (Masza), and Bożena Baranowska 9Olga). Monika Pęcikiewicz took the action of the play into the here and now - somewhere in the countryside, in a small house. The sisters long for a different, better life, believing that the mythical Moscow is better and that all you need to do is leave and fate will transform your life as if by magic. Irina keeps packing her bags. (Kinga Preis performs so well that her character looks sad even if seen from behind). Masza, bored of her marriage, began an affair with a military man, hoping that she can build a new life with him. She feels only two emotions: anger and exhaultation. Olga, also sad, tries to find a man, believing that life in solitude is senseless; th

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Justyna Pobiedzińska

