4.09.2008 Wersja do druku

Singer's Warsaw Festival

The Center of Austrian Culture and the Shalom Foundation have, for the fifth time now, organized the annual Singer's Warsaw Festival dedicated to Jewish Culture. Many citizens of Warsaw attend the festival's events each year.

In years past, the festival was a chance for Warsaw residents to learn about the history and culture of Jews. Both Jewish and Polish artists performed during the festival. This year's edition of the festival will begin on September 6th with a traditional jewish diner at the Dwór Cadyk in Kawalria Góra. On Monday, September 8th, at 12 noon in the Metro Świętokrzystka Galeria, there will be a foto gallery titled "Próźna Street and the Jewish District in Warsaw." The authors of the gallery are RafałChwiszczuk and Tadeusz W. Świątek. Another gallery titled "Unpainted Jew III" will take place on Monday at 5 pm. On Thurdsay, the movie Mar Mizva Zorro will be shown. The next day, Prof. Szewach Weiss will be promoting his book "Amongst us." The following day there will be a meeting with the writer Józef Henem, author of Pinpong Player. Amongst the other attractions will be an outdoor theater on Próźna street where performances will take place by groups like the Austrian K

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Życie Warszawy online/03.09



