22.03.2006 Wersja do druku


Every time one is confronted with a performance from the Gardzienic theater, it is impossible not to experience something unique and be filled with positive energy. This is the case with the new premiere of Elektra, based on the play by Euripides, and directed by Włodzimierz Staniewski.

Following the opening song, Staniewski gives us a compact illustration about how the song's text and notes were uncovered from rocks. Whether slabs, grave stones or clay tablets; each preserved a portion of the song heritage of antiquity. Some have survived into our times and have been revived by musicians. Song, music, gesture, dance, and words all come together to give voice to the tragic story of the Atrid family and combine into a performance that makes a great impact. There are even some original acrobatics and unique choreography mixed into the bunch, all exhibiting elements of eastern martial arts, particularly in the hands of an Asian actress. In her hands, a sword becomes not only a weapon, but alsoa fan. The theater group is also going through a generational change. Only Mariusz Gołaj remains of the original team. We have not yet gotten a chance to grow accustomed to the new faces; and already newer faces appear. This helps the play shine with the spirit of youth; al

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Materiał nadesłany

Rzeczpospolita nr 273


Janusz R. Kowalczyk



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